400 N McClary St
New Cordell, OK 73632

Non-Emergency Line: (580) 832-2370
For Emergencies Call 911

opening mail

Inmate Mail Policy

You have the right to send and receive as much mail as you want, provided you have the correct amount of postage. There is no limit on a letter’s length, content, or destination, except for other jails and prisons, unless the material is deemed offensive according to community and legal standards or is threatening to another individual.

If there is reasonable belief that outgoing mail may threaten someone’s safety or the security of the jail, your outgoing mail may be read. While incoming and outgoing mail is not usually read, it is regularly opened and checked for illegal items or contraband. Letters from Attorneys, Courts, or Elected Public Officials will be opened in your presence. If it is necessary to hold back outgoing mail, you will be informed of the reason for the delay.

The jail does not mail packages unless they contain legal materials sent from inmates to attorneys, courts, or elected public officials.

Mail Delivery Schedule

Mail is received and delivered Monday through Saturday, except on holidays.

Inmate Mailing Address

To ensure mail delivery, all mail must be addressed as follows:

Your Full Name, Including Middle Name
Washita County Jail
400 North McClary
Cordell, OK 73632

Important Notice: Incoming or outgoing mail will be rejected and returned if the outside of the envelope contains any writing or drawings other than the addressee’s name and address, and the return name and address.


Crossword puzzle books will be available through the commissary only. All other magazines and newspapers are prohibited. Paperback books will be available through the jail library for checkout. Paperback books may be sent in but will become the property of the Washita County Jail.