I was inspired to pursue a career in law enforcement right after graduating from high school because an officer from the local municipal police department took me under his wing, so to speak, in an effort to steer me away from negative influences and bad decision-making that were leading me down the wrong path.
I have approximately 40 years of previous law enforcement experience, ranging from patrolman to assistant chief of police, chief of police, detective, and field training officer. I've worked in small departments like Sentinel and very large departments like the Tulsa County Sheriff's Department, where I also served as the DARE officer, law enforcement explorers instructor and coordinator, and had weekend assignments with the GANG unit.
After graduating from Burns Flat School, I held several state track records for many years. I also earned the award for top gunman during the CLEET academy and am a certified CLEET instructor and coordinator.
I'm currently the Undersheriff of Washita County, where I provide support to the jail administrator in maintaining a properly run facility. I also play an active role in supervising and assisting field deputies regularly. I initiated and participate in community policing to foster positive relationships among departments, the community, and other entities such as the school system in each municipality.
I aim to maintain an open-door policy not only with deputies, dispatchers, and jailers but also with the public, fostering positive relationships among the citizens of Washita County.
I have very strong communication abilities, along with many established relationships in the community, including family and friends.
Showing and giving trust, consistency, honesty, concern, and listening to public concerns, then working on solutions as a community are important to me.
Re-establishing old friendships and making new ones, and coming back home!